The above chart shows the organizational structure of the Knights of Columbus. An overview of a few key points indicates the importance of this structure.
The Supreme Council oversees the growth and direction of the Knights of Columbus, guiding the organization as a whole. They expand the Knights into new regions, establish local leadership, and champion the values and goals that define the organization. The Supreme Council also leads large-scale initiatives, raises global awareness of the Knights’ mission, and provides members and their families with valuable support through a comprehensive insurance program.
That said, most of the Knights’ impactful work happens at the local level, carried out by members in their community-based councils. This makes the Knights’ organizational and financial structure essential to fulfilling their mission and ensuring their efforts make a meaningful difference.
Grand Knight
Marc Stegar
Monsignor Al Humbrecht
Deputy Grand Knight
Richard Faulkner
Rich Rudez
Mark Clark
Bob Kirn
Ken Frische
Dan Jackson
Tom Ywanauskas
Inside Guard
Derek Kurkura
Outside Guard
Keith Ferguson
Trustee, First year
Karl Nesmith
Trustee, Second Year
Kevin Perry
Trustee, Third Year
Kevin Olley
Financial Secretary
Joey Smetek
Service Programs
Program Director
Richard Faulkner
Faith Director
Richard Faulkner
Family Director
Kevin Perry
Community Director
Derek Kurkura
Life Director
Kenneth King
Membership Director
Kevin Olley
Recruitment Committee
Franscisco Romero
Karl Nesmith
Kevin Perry
Retention Chairman
Rich Rudez
Insurance Promotion
Ed Klim
Vocations Chairman
Keith Ferguson
Health Services
Bob Greuter
Public Relations
Richard Faulkner